Offers and content schedules

Tying it all up


We have our awareness levels and how they relate to the funnel.

We have our topics, how they relate to our offer.

And, we have the wrappers (content types) all those topics fit into.

That’s a lot of how and why.

Let’s talk about the WHEN.

This is the part that has been most frustrating in my journey of writing online.

Everyone tells you what to be writing and how to be writing but no one is talking about WHEN you should be writing.

So, I’ve come up with a system/schedule.

See, you want to cover all funnel levels throughout the week. But you also want to limit your daily output to a manageable number.

I like 3 posts/day as a minimum.

And within those 3/day, you want a nice mix of long-form, short-form, video, memes, and threads for maximum audience engagement across different content types.

For my schedule, I’ve split it up into 3 sections based on funnel position:

  • Top of Funnel (Monday, Thursday, Sunday)

    • Focus on personal takes, opinions, and stories for max connection points. Don’t take yourself too seriously here. Memes are great in this section.

  • Middle of Funnel (Tuesday, Friday)

    • Provide valuable niche advice to establish your authority in that niche through threads, competence content, and social proof.

  • Bottom of Funnel (Wednesday, Saturday)

    • Share in-depth, technical insights and tutorials to target engaged users closer to making a decision or purchase. And you can straight up post your offer with a super clear CTA here. This won’t get as much engagement, but that’s because you’re being super duper targeted.

Here it is visually:

This schedule covers all funnel levels throughout the week while limiting your daily output to a manageable 3 posts.

It also gives you all of the content types to help you guide people down the funnel.

I’ve been using this for the last week or so and it feels right.

Try it out and let me know what you think.
