Marketing your offer

How to get into position

Good morning!

We’ve talked about offers here, and what types of offers to create here.

Now we just need to offer our offer to the people that need our offer in such a way that they accept our offer.

And what sort of sorcery do you need to make that happen?

Well, I’ve got 1 word for you sweetie…


To get the right people to take you up on your super sick deal of a lifetime, you have make the message compelling.

What does that even mean?

Well, in its base state, compelling means “to garner attention.”

(not sure why I put the quotes, it’s my definition)

You have to be grabbing attention, getting that attention funneled to your offer, and making a compelling enough case that your prospect takes an action.

There’s 3 pillars of compellingness (is that a word?):

  • Messaging and awareness

  • Prove your authority and credibility

  • Differentiate yourself from the competition

Here’s a quick rundown of all 3:

Nail your messaging to the right level of awareness

To sell, you have to lead prospective clients down a funnel.

From top, through the middle, and to the bottom.

To get them in the top and through the bottom, you have to talk to levels of awareness at each stage: from unaware to offer aware. 

Here’s a breakdown:

To really nail the messaging at each stage that truly addresses your client's ideal outcomes you need to:

  • So, pick stuff that already makes money.

  • Use the language that your ideal client uses.

  • Understand your market by:

    • Talking to your prospects in your market.

    • Joining a mastermind, paying to get them on a call, etc

Actually talking to prospective clients is a gold mine of messaging.

If you can actually take stuff they say, verbatim, and write to it, you’re golden.

Developing Authority and Credibility

Once you get the messaging down, you need to elevate your authority as high as humanly possible.

To sell, you have to be at a higher level of perceived status than your prospect.

Case studies is the best way. Case studies that are quantifiable and identifiable.

And you get case studies by being world class.

Do your 10,000 hours.

Differentiating from competition

Stop thinking about blue oceans.

The only way to differentiate is:

  • Have more social proof

  • Have better authority

That’s it.

If you have those 2 and a likeable personality, there’s no way you can’t win.

And that’s it!

Hope it was helpful.

Talk soon,
