YouTube shorts and mountain climbing

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Just do the thing.

You know what thing I’m talking about.

  • The call you’ve been putting off for two weeks.

  • The difficult conversation with bad news you are dreading.

  • The answer to that DM sitting unread in your inbox (the one you won’t open so it doesn’t show a read receipt).

I PROMISE you, it won’t be as bad as not doing it is.

Putting it off will only make it worse, 100% of the time.

The fact that it’s uncomfortable means that it’s probably the right move anyway.

You don’t feel comfortable because there is a scene playing out in your head.

I think of it like a YouTube short.

The scene is scripted and will keep playing on repeat in your head until you believe that this worst case scenario is the way it’ll go down.

Here’s the thing: it never happens exactly the way you think it will.

Sure, you’ll burn some bridges in life, and lose some relationships because of something you did or said. It’s just part of life.

But 9/10, the real life scene is way less dramatic and negative than the scene you made up in your head.

So, default to action.

The only thing you gain by waiting is a bunch of weight from binging Yasso fro yo bars (I’m a stress eater).

There is a pinnacle in life. Your optimal state of being.

But it’s at the top of a mountain.

And if you’ve ever climbed a mountain you know that it’s basically a bunch of hills stacked together.

You will never reach the top if you don’t make it up the hill in front of you.

The cool thing about those little hills is that there’s a flat spot with easy walking before it gets steep again.

So, full send.
