Weekly 𝕏 content review

Talk analytic to me

I did my first weekly 𝕏 content review yesterday.

What gets measured gets managed. 

So, taking my own advice and doing the more intentional thing, I am doing some data analysis on my 𝕏 content, breaking it down, and coming up with a plan to double down on what my followers want to see.

First step: start reviewing my posting data weekly.

It’s in the calendar, so it’s real now. 

Without further ado, here are my top 5 tweets for the past 28 days:






After popping these tweets into ChatGPT and asking for some analysis I found out that y’all liked this stuff the most: 

  • Interesting Facts or Statistics: Tweets that include surprising or thought-provoking facts or statistics capture attention and encourage engagement.

  • Motivational Content: Inspirational or motivational quotes or messages, especially those related to life optimization or personal growth, are well-received.

  • Fitness Journey Updates: Regular updates on your fitness journey, especially impressive feats like a 405-pound lift, can be very engaging, showcasing dedication and progress. ​

So, this is what I’m going to focus on: more optimalism long form posts, more fitness videos, and more interesting idea fusions. 

I updated my Notion content calendar accordingly.

If you want to do this yourself, here’s the steps:

  1. Export your data from 𝕏 analytics. Link here

  2. Throw that .csv straight into ChatGPT with these prompts:

Have fun!


P.S.,  If you like this newsletter and refer it to 25 of your friends, I’ll send you a cool t-shirt. Get your unique referral link below!