The optimal creator stack

Do this to win 2025

I’ve been thinking a lot about my business strategy for 2025.

There’s been a lot of changes in the past year, and there’s a lot of things I would have done differently in hindsight.

At the end of the day, the stuff that worked for me ended up in 3 buckets:

  • Creating content for a specific person

  • Development of products

  • Outreach and relationship building

So, as I plan for execution next year, I’m convinced leaning into those pillars is the way onwards and upwards.

Here’s how I’m thinking about each:

Be a media company.

A definition of media that I like is “content that compounds.”

Each person on the internet has the opportunity to be their own media company.

And having your own media company is powerful form of leverage.

Great, reference-able content compounds over time. You can create once and distribute forever as Naval Ravikant says.

As much (quality) content across as many platform using as many formats as you can, the better.

In 2025, you have to be everywhere with content that leverages trending topics, your ideas and offer, and ties it all together for your ICP.

Build stuff.

It’s never been easier to create digital assets.

Quizzes, books, platforms, games, courses, etc.

Everyone should be building their own tools and products.

I’m starting to lean heavily into this right now with CreatorTask, my software platform.

Essentially, I’m finding tools that I currently use and build them into my platform using AI.

Extremely bullish on this approach for the coming year.

The ultimate form of leverage.

Join or create a mastermind.

Networking is always going to be the highest leverage activity you’ll ever find.


So, in 2025, I’m going all in on growing my network.

Ideally, I would like to build a highly curated mastermind of likeminded people that meets 1x/month and talks about our biggest wins and challenges.

This is something still in the planning phases, but i’m very excited to make it real.

And that’s it!

I’ll be talking more about this as I go through the planning phase.

Talk soon.



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