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A case for being online
It’s easy to forget why I got online in the first place.
I mean, social media is specifically engineered to grab your attention, extract all of your dopamine, and then leave you a thoughtless husk with vague memories of a talking dog reel.
So, it’s easy to get pulled in and lose track of your why.
I know I do.
So, here it is:
You have to bend social media to your will, and create a version of yourself online that is as close as possible to you in real life (IRL).
Because: IRL > URL.
Be you.
This is the reason to write online.
To record videos online.
To be online.
Online, you are sharing what you have created, what authority you have worked and bled for so you can meet likeminded people and make relationships.
Because, right now the best place for that is on the internet.
Social media is a tool.
A tool you are using to be discovered and supported at scale; anywhere in the world.
And since IRL > URL, your goal should be to transfer your essence to the digital sphere as seamlessly as possible.
You aren’t simply a content creator, or worse, an influencer…
You are you.
Tim Ferriss isn't a "content creator."
He hosts a podcast, writes books, does public speaking events, lobbies for legislative change. And he does this using social media as a base to spread his life's work.
He doesn’t use the latest viral template, or study what’s working right now on X. He doesn’t need growth strategies.
His ideas set him apart and changes people's lives.
He’s leveraged who he is IRL, and created a pretty damn good URL avatar.
In my own life, I’ve met people online first, then in person.
Every single time, there is an energy present in person that I never felt online.
The other level is where I interact with people on the timeline and in DMs before meeting online via video call.
And there’s a higher energy level in the video call every single time that results in a deeper level of connection.
My goal is to create content online that transfers this combination of factors and energy into my writing and videos such that you get the most authentic version of me online.
This is the ultimate version of authority.
Creation → Authority → You
Perfection isn’t possible, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for it.
To your super success,