I won at life

Thoughts from the road

(disclaimer: this really isn’t about online business or ghostwriting, but rather a journal post. It’s cool if you skip. Anyway, here’s my unfiltered thoughts for the day)

I get the most clarity when I’m driving.

Sure, meditating in a sauna is amazing.

But nothing beats driving down the road, staring at the horizon, and thinking my deepest thoughts.

This morning, driving back home from dropping my daughter off at school, a thought, no a feeling, hit me.

As I was singing “Summer Holiday” to my 3 year old son in the backseat, I realized “I won life.”

Here I was, in a perfectly functioning car, living in a country where I am afforded the ability to chase my dreams, with a healthy family that doesn’t hate me.

I really don’t think life gets better than that.

In that moment, I realized that the good old days are right now.

And I was in the moment.

Not off anywhere else worrying about how data-driven my dashboard was or if shareholders were being taken care of.

Just driving, thinking, and grateful.

So, here’s my exhortation for you today:

Meditate, drive, whatever; just take a moment and be grateful for what you have and for what the future holds.

Life isn’t always sunshine and ketamine. And it certainly isn’t always a summer holiday.

But now, in the good moments, you can be grateful and at peace.



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