How to make content with your unique perspective

Get that POV into your posts

Your perspective is your superpower.

You don’t need new ideas, just a new way of seeing the same ones.

The question really is, how do you do this effectively.

You have to first identify the pillars of your POV and then figure out the different ways to articulate them.

Here is the process I use:

Step 1: Gather your information

First, gather these 3 pieces of information:

  • Your Field/Industry: (e.g., marketing, writing, software development)

  • Your Top 3 Beliefs about this field: (Write each as a single sentence)

  • One specific success story or experience that shaped your view: (2-3 sentences max)

Step 2: Get info about your ICP

A key piece of this whole puzzle is figuring out WHO to write for.

There should be one person that comes to mind every time you write. Someone that resonates with the stuff you write, and needs whatever it is you’re offering.

Picture that person, write down as much information about them that you can, and paste into this prompt:

You are an expert marketing strategist with expertise in customer profiling. I have an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and need to better understand how to tailor my messaging to them.

Here’s my ICP:[Insert ICP description (job type, age, likes/dislikes, etc)]
Based on this, please provide:

1. The top 3 pain points or frustrations my ICP is experiencing.
2. The primary goals or aspirations my ICP is working toward.
3. The emotional triggers that resonate most with my ICP (e.g., fear of missing out, desire for status, etc.).

Now you’re ready to pull it all together.

Step 3: Implement your info with an AI prompt

Copy the following prompt and paste your information where indicated into the LLM of your choice (I use Claude):

You are a content strategy expert. Help me create content that showcases my unique perspective.

My field is [paste field from A].

My core beliefs are:

1. [paste belief 1 from B]
2. [paste belief 2 from B]
3. [paste belief 3 from B]

Here is some information about my ideal client:

1. [paste top 3 ICP pain points or frustrations]
2. [paste ICP primary goals or aspirations]
3. [paste emotional triggers that resonate with ICP]

Based on these beliefs, please:

1. Identify the unique elements of my perspective
2. Generate 5 compelling headlines that capture my viewpoint and ICP attention
3. Create 3 story frameworks that illustrate my perspective
4. Suggest 5 topics for in-depth content pieces that address ICP goals
5. Provide 3 practical applications of my viewpoint that ease ICP pain points
6. Suggest 3 contrarian insights that emerge from my perspective

Step 4: Refining the output

After getting the responses, ask these follow-up questions to dig deeper:

1. "How can I make this more unique to my experience? What stories can I tell?"

2. "What's a more contrarian way to say this? Is there a specific villain I can target?"

3. "How can I apply this perspective to something I see people struggling with every day?"

This is important because the more personal and targeted you can get, the more effective your posts will be.

Tactical tips

A few tips:

  • ALWAYS use the outputs as starting points, and NEVER just copy paste anything you get from AI.

  • Update your messaging as you get post and get feedback.

  • Keep track of the stories that play out each day, and see how you can filter them through your main beliefs to create content.

  • Save the best performing posts in a swipe file to repurpose for later.

And that’s it!

Now you should have at least 20 different pieces of evergreen content to filter through your topics and put into your content wrappers.

Hope this was helpful!
