Guess who's back..

I'm back (not Slim Shady)

Why, hello there.

It’s been a while.

(thanks for still being here)

And, why has it been a while??

Well, for one, me and the fam are in the process of moving. 3 states away.

And on top of that, my 9-5 is getting busy with travel ramping up, I’m gaining traction with my business (have 5 clients and pitching more), and it’s officially beach season (not necessary, but gonna miss the beach when we are in the mountains).

It’s a busy season of life right now.

But I love it.

When life is this hectic and I’m hitting my limits, I feel alive.

And, I’ve come up with a new content strategy to help me create on more of an autopilot (not resting on my content laurels).

This is BIG.

No, literally, I’m calling it BIG.

It stands for Brand, Insight, and Grow.

  • Brand

    • This is the stuff that I want to create associations with. The pairings that reinforce the virtual image of my persona and beliefs.

    • Examples: Optimalism, tactical writing tips, quotes and lessons from people I admire, etc.

  • Insight

    • This is the How I category. This’ll be long form material.

    • Examples: Insights from building a business online. My takes on industry news and trends. Lessons learned from trying new techiques out.

  • Grow

    • A larger audience of people you vibe with opens so many doors and opportunities. This category is all the top of funnel stuff that’ll get traffic flowing your way.

    • Examples: commenting on big accounts, talking about how trending topics affect your niche, etc.

Since life is so busy currently, it has been helpful for me to create frameworks to work from.

Makes it easier to jump in and bloody up the blank page.

And, I really like 3s. Easier to remember.

Anyway, back to the housework.

I’ll see you guys soon.
