My best performing content + breakdown

Weekly breakdown part siete

GM! It’s time for my weekly review of my 𝕏 content.

Without further ado, here are the top 5 posts from the past 2 weeks (missed a week) based on total engagement (likes + comments + impressions):

ONCE AGAIN, the first thing I notice is that most of these are short form. And only 1 sentence long.

Also, I have lost a TON (relative to my following) of followers in the last couple of weeks. I’d say it’s a bot thing, which is good. The other good news is that I’m replacing the bots with quality followers, so that is awesome.

Back to the posts, why did they work?

Let’s delve (not AI, I just like this word) in:

  1. This one’s a crazy story that was featured me in a dangerous situation, haha. Kind of an outlier since I am not going to intentionally place myself in harms way for content, but still interesting. I also wrote about in a previous email.

  2. A lot of people on this side of 𝕏 (like myself) are into consciousness, awareness, etc., so I think this one played into that sentiment.

  3. Short and to the point again. 1-liner. And plays into the current Dune mania.

  4. Picture of myself from a work photoshoot. Obviously gonna be high performing (jk).

  5. I believe that I covered this one in a previous content review. Another 1-liner. And relatable to an audience of mostly writers.

And that’s it!

Again, I’m thinking that I spend too much time on long forms and threads, haha.

Gonna be more 1 liners I guess.



P.S., have y’all noticed short form out performing your long form stuff? If so, let me know!