Daily emails go brrrr

I’ve written a daily email for 1 month.

Here’s the top 3 benefits I’ve discovered:

  1. My energy levels are off the charts

  2. Ideas come quicker

  3. I’m becoming a better writer

Writing is an energy giving activity for me.

Doing it every day for this email has taken that signal and amplified it 10x.

I love it. And the ideas are flowing faster.

It’s like my idea generation is a water spigot. It was only open 10%. Now it’s 100%.

I see content ideas in every interaction, every movie, and virtually every moment.

The hard part is just sitting down and dedicating the time to put thoughts to paper. Because the thoughts are flowing.

But, the act of putting these brain dumps on paper is making me flex the writing muscle EVERY DAY.

Which is exactly what I wanted.

Now that y’all read this everyday, I have incentive not to skip and to keep it up.

I’m finding my voice, and it’s so fun.

So thank you for being on this list! 🙏

Love yous guys.
